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Things To Know When Considering A Clean Room

9th Jun 2016

Is your business considering developing an area for clean manufacturing? If so, there are numerous variables to consider when considering the construction of a clean room. At SOS Clean Room, we’re proud to provide top of the line clean room supplies to healthcare and manufacturing professionals all over the country. Here are a few things to keep in mind when considering the implementation of a clean room:

Consider The Application

Investing in a clean room space for your business can have tremendous benefits including better quality products and yields. Nowadays, a majority of manufacturing procedures require a controlled environment that will help you limit the amount of dust and contaminants in the manufacturing area. Some of these industries include electronics and computer manufacturing, medical instrument manufacturing and packages and food preparation. It’s vital that you know the legal requirements for your specific product or process before moving forward with clean room construction.

Map Out Workflow

Before you begin building your clean room, give some thought to the tasks that will be performed and the workflow of the employees. The goal of this procedure is to not only improve employee productivity and yield, but to maintain and improve the manufacturing process as a whole.

Plan For The Future

If your business is considering implementing a clean room, don’t make the mistake of starting out small. It’s better to plan for too much space than not enough. This will help your employees feel more comfortable and lessen the risk of contamination.

Ask An Expert

If you’re still unsure about implementing a clean room at your facility, it always helps to ask an expert. Clean room professionals can help you develop proper clean room protocols and procedures to ensure a safe and efficient workplace.