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There is No Room For Compromise In A Clean Room

14th Sep 2015

There is no room to compromise in a Clean Room. When you can’t afford any contaminant to reach your product, use Texwipe swabs for testing. TX714K Large Alpha Sampling Snap Swab, Low TOC can be used for surface sampling in sterile environments and processes. Sampling is an essential part of cleanroom protocol and SOS Cleanroom supplies has all you need to keep your cleanroom up to industry standards and beyond.

Contamination Example

The semiconductor production field is one production facility that absolutely has to maintain their cleanrooms at industry standards. There can be no compromise and so you shouldn't compromise on the quality of yours.

Device Size Matters

  • It is logical that as devices get smaller and smaller, the size of a contaminant that can cause a killer defect get smaller too.
  • An example of this is wafer. A wafer is a slice of semiconductor material such as crystalline silicon that is used in electronic manufacturing.
  • These wafers must be defect-free to perform properly.
  • If a particle is big enough (while still being microscopic as far as human eyesight is concerned) to span two components, an electric charge can be conducted and the performance of the the product will be compromised.
  • The performance can be affected by it not working at all, or the life of the product will be shortened. Both of these consequences are unacceptable.

If you put it the effort to keep the room clean by testing and rigorous processes, your productivity, your reputation, and your profits will benefit.