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The Proper Way to Use a Wipe

28th Aug 2015

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Nowhere is this truer than in a cleanroom. SOS Cleanrooms offers Texwipe products. Texwipe products are the cornerstone of any cleanroom protocol. Cleanrooms depend on air filtration to keep the air as contaminant-free as possible. When it comes to surfaces and microbial contaminants, the best way to clean them is by direct contact. Wipers, such as the TX 1003 AlphaWipe 11” x 12” Polyester Cleanroom Wiper are your best tool for cleaning surfaces.

Wiper Use

The wiper is the basic tool for cleaning surfaces in a clean room. Dry wipers are effective only to a point, what is really needed is wet wiping. Texwipe wet wipers clean surfaces of stubborn pathogens and contaminants.

The correct way to use a wiper

  • Just like any absorbent material, a wiper can hold only so much. If you exceed its capacity it will redeposit the contaminants and your work will be undone. Knitted polyester is more absorbent than cotton or cotton blends. Texwipe offers wipes made of both cotton and 100% polyester.
  • Fold your wiper into quarters. This will give you multiple clean surfaces to use. Apply the solvent and wipe.
  • Wipe from the cleanest to the dirtiest area.

You must wipe slowly

  • If you wipe to quickly, your movement will stir up the air and potentially cause more problems. Wipe approximately one foot per second.

You Must Wipe in the right direction

  • If you wipe over areas over and over, or in the wrong direction, you can redeposit contaminants. You should wipe in straight strokes that create a 10-25% overlap. Use a clean surface for each stroke.
  • Wiping in a circular motion spreads contaminants.

Follow industry standards

  • Your best bet is to know the standards of your industry and aim to exceed them. 

Shop SOS Cleanroom for all your Texwipes supplies.