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Texwipe Products Offer the Highest Quality in Cleaning Products

25th Mar 2015

Easy and convenient would be great things in a cleanroom clean up process, but that’s not the business we are in, we take the hard road because we know cutting corners will cut the bottom line as well. Quality is what you need in clean room supplies and that’s what you get with Texwipes. Many industries now utilize clean room. One industry that does extensively is the semiconductor industry. Every particle is risk introduced and there is a saying that you should not introduce unnecessary risk. When a risk becomes manifest and particulate contamination occurs, production is halted and everything has to be cleaned again but if you use quality, lint free, cleaning products you can get production back up and back on track.

Texwipe wipers are used in industry-critical milieus and have very low fiber release which allows for the use of elbow grease without exacerbating the particulate contamination. They are made of 100% polyester or nylon. Texwipes work on the concept of sorption, where two substances become attached to each other, instead of one absorbing the other. This allows for a high standard of particle removal. You can trust Texwipes to provide you the best in clean room products not just the first time, but every time because consistency is a virtue in a clean room. The humans involved need to be consistent in their routines to avoid contaminating and their cleaning processes. The products used also have to be consistent and SOS Clean Room Supplies offers products that are consistently the highest quality.