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Incredible Way Industries Utilize Cleanrooms Part 2

19th Mar 2015

Have you had a chance to read our previous blog post about some of the many incredible ways that cleanrooms are utilized in different industries? If you have, then you already know that, although many people associate cleanrooms with the medical industry, they are used by many different industries in some pretty amazing ways. To recap, we've already talked about cleanrooms in optics, aerospace, and research facilities and university labs. The following is a list of a few more industries that have utilized cleanrooms in incredible ways:

  • Nanotechnology - The cleanroom supplies and technology used in the nanotechnology industry are devoted to producing nanotech solar cells, which have made a huge impact on sustainability in the modern world. 
  • Biological safety - Biological agents can be dangerous, so it is very important for scientists to have a safe place to work. For example, when medicines are being developed, a dangerous virus may be introduced for the drug to be tested on, and if proper safety standards aren't in place, the scientists could get very sick.
  • Military - The military uses cleanroom technology to develop technology for the future and to enhance their existing technology. For instance, the material that protects pilots in training from excessive noise is developed in a cleanroom.

As you can see, cleanrooms can be used in many wonderful ways. If you are looking for the cleanroom wipes, sticky mats and other supplies that you need for your cleanroom, look no further than Shop with us today!