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How do you know if your Cleanroom is a “Clean Room”?

19th Oct 2014

There are many regulations that you must continually adhere to when you are managing a cleanroom in the pharmaceutical, electronics manufacturing, and healthcare fields. There are some important factors to consider when maintaining GMP compliance within your room. If you are concerned that your cleanroom may not be up to par with cleanliness specifications, here are a few guidelines when evaluating your internal surfaces in your room as these are the first pieces of compliance you want to address.

  • It is important to make sure that all of your internal surfaces are impervious to any substance and have a smooth texture all around. This is to ensure that you don’t have any surfaces that could be susceptible to hazardous materials, germs, and bacteria. Having a complete hygienic environment will reduce the risk of harboring anything that will contaminate your application.
  • All internal surfaces cannot create dust or debris, peel, corrode, flake, or allow microorganisms to propagate and begin to contaminate other parts of your room.
  • Every surface in your room must be able to be easily cleaned and decontaminated in the event of a contamination breach. You must allow every surface to be accessible as well to ensure that there are not areas that go unnoticed and unattended to.
  • Any surface you work on must also be solid and rigorous without giving way to cracking or breaking in any way. Once the surface shows any signs of wear, you must address it immediately as it will impact the cleanliness of your entire area.

Having these important areas completely covered is not enough as you must continue to maintain your room with the proper cleaning aids to ensure complete sterilization each day. Equip yourself with clean room supplies from SOS and know that you will have complete sterility throughout your entire cleanroom. We have been distributing clean room supplies since 1990 and have every aspect covered when assessing your current cleanroom standards.

Visit our Google Trusted Store today and we will be glad to assist you with everything you need to get your cleanroom up to current regulations and standards.