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Food Safety with TEXWIPE Products

11th Dec 2015

Food safety is always a concern in the food production industry and safeguards are made in every step of production. SOS Cleanrooms is proud to provide the best cleanroom products in the form of TEXWIPE swabs, wipes, sticky mats and every form of cleaner and garment that is needed to keep your food production safe. In this blog series we are discussing the levels of barriers that from the skeleton of food safety.

We’ve discussed the areas leading to food production, from the outside to the interior factors, and now we’ll move to the actual food production areas. Generally speaking, food production is linear so that raw products enter at one point and continue through the plant, through varying degrees of clean rooms to the end and distribution. They are stored, processed, packaged and then distributed.

Barrier Three

The key to real food safety is to found in the third barrier, the High Care/ Risk areas. This area is where the highest level of hygiene is required. Within this level there are zones that have to be strictly segregated from each other. We will cover three common zones; Zone B, Zone M, and Zone H.

Zone B has basic hygiene requirements. There are levels of sanitation within this level itself. It covers building and facilities outside the main facility where the raw products are stored and after-production distribution centers.

Zone M is where medium level measures are taken. These include parts of production that do not rate high on the risk scale. The food product is protected from contamination and extra precaution to keep the machines free of contamination are also taken.

We’ll finish covering Barrier 3 in the next blog. Contact SOS Clean Rooms for all your clean room supplies.