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Develop a Clean Room Swab Habit

12th Apr 2015

Get into the habit of using high-quality clean room swabs and tools from SOS Clean Room.

Quality is not an act, it is a habit. This quote from Aristotle is as relevant today as it was in his day over 23 centuries ago. Some things just don’t change. In the realm of clean rooms this aphorism translates to procedures, policies and practices to keep particulates to a minimum.

Of course prevention of particulate contamination is preferable but no matter how many safeguards are in place, when humans are involved, there will inevitably be a defect, and at that point, you first hope it’s not a killer defect: a particle on a tiny piece of electronic component.

While certainly not the only source, humans rank highly as a source of clean room contaminants. The prevention process starts when employees are getting ready for work. Use of cosmetics and perfumes/colognes are strictly prohibited and facial hair should be shaved clean or covered completely. Hair products such as mousse or hairspray are also prohibited. Making sure that every hair is covered up is very important since hair can contain any number of contaminants from varied sources like tree pollen to hair product flakes. Anyone who has any type of skin infection, stomach bug or a respiratory infection should avoid the clean room until they are cleared. Upon entering the clean room make sure that no personal items have stowed away. Double check that items like keys and jewelry are left outside of the clean room as once you are in the room, nothing may be removed from an under layer. No matter what you do, you will have particulate contamination and then it is of the utmost importance that you use the highest quality cleaning equipment and that is available at SOS Clean Room.