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A Full Line of Texwipe Products Ready for You

20th Aug 2014

At SOS Cleanroom, we are dedicated to providing our customers with the best products that can be found, whether it's in a store, at a distribution center, or online. That's why we carry a full line of Texwipe products just for you, and we know that you'd be hard pressed to find a better line of clean room products anywhere on the market. With wipers, swabs, mops, and more, this leading clean room brand will help you get the job done, no matter what that job may be.

Cleanliness and compliance is imperative to any clean room operation, and with Texwipe products, you won't have to worry about either. If you're in the biologics industry, these Sterile Cotton Swabs will definitely serve you well. Or, if you need to ensure that you don't track in any foreign matter, read more information on clean room sticky mats. We also carry clean room tape, stationery, and everything you need to keep your workspace particle- and microbe-free.

When you're setting up or rearranging your clean room design, pick the best products for the job by shopping at SOS Cleanroom. We can help you find the perfect wiper, swab, or mop that will keep you clean room looking great and operating efficiently. You'll know that you've found a superior product that won't let you down, and when you need more, we'll be here to replenish your supply. For customer service and product questions, give us a call at 1-800-443-7101 between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm (CST) on Monday through Friday.