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A Common Clean Room Protocol Breach.

16th Feb 2016

SOS Clean Room Supplies is proud to play an integral part in industries that add value to everyday life whether it is a semiconductor manufacturing facility making silicon chips that run our phones and calculators to food processing plants that provide us with cookies and chicken nuggets. These plants have different priorities when it comes clean rooms, but one thing links them: Texwipe cleaning swabs and wipes. These wipes are the standard setter for clean room protocols. But people are the real movers behind clean rooms. It is human ritual and protocol that makes or breaks a clean room. When protocol is ignored the entire manufacturing process can slam to a halt and the whole room can need cleaning. Products can be ruined or people sickened. It is of the utmost importance that clean room gowning protocol be followed.

One of the most dangerous protocols to ignore is handwashing. Many people think that because they are going to be wearing gloves, that they don’t need to wash their hands, or if they do , they don’t need to do it well. The idea that you don’t have to wash your hands before putting on gloves is wrong.

Men and physicians are especially prone to ignoring this rule. They don’t just do it to cause trouble; often times, sinks are located in areas that are inconvenient. This needs to be considered when clean rooms are being designed. Another threat to cleanroom protocol is fingernails. Fingernail polish that is chipped can trap germs, as can fake fingernails. For this reason fake fingernails and fingernail polish are not allowed in a clean room.

Be prepared for any clean room protocol breach with Texwipe Pre-wetted wipes. Order yours
