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What Item in Your Cleanroom Is a Must

Posted by SOS Cleanroom on 27th Apr 2017

There are so many moving pieces that contribute to the functionality of a cleanroom, and if you’re running one or working in one, then you know this to be true. Even the smallest of pieces require und … read more

Preparation Tips for Avoiding Contaminants

Posted by SOS Cleanroom on 17th Apr 2017

It’s crazy to think of the effect that a particle as small as a piece of dust can have on the creation of a product or the results of a blood test. When working in cleanrooms, it goes without saying t … read more

What are Sticky Mats?

Posted by SOS Cleanroom on 3rd Apr 2017

Managing to keep a room empty of debris, dust, and any other particles that may be floating through the air is a tough job. When you start off with this task, whether you have experience or not, it ca … read more
A Series That Visits the Industries Using Cleanrooms

A Series That Visits the Industries Using Cleanrooms

Posted by SOS Cleanroom on 28th Mar 2017

SOS Cleanroom provides high quality products to a variety of facilities that are using cleanrooms, but what most people don’t realize is how often these cleanrooms are truly utilized. We have supplied … read more
Ways Cleanrooms Have Evolved - Part 2

Ways Cleanrooms Have Evolved - Part 2

Posted by SOS Cleanroom on 21st Mar 2017

Welcome back to the blog space for SOS Cleanroom. In our last blog post we covered some of the advances that cleanrooms have seen with the strides in technology, but with how often these rooms are use … read more